I have a genetic disorder (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome) that is likely to result in me being too disabled to work full time in 10 to 20 years. I am quite ignorant when it comes to finances and planning, so I’m seeking advice here.
Some facts about my current finances: I currently work full time in CA and make 75,000 per year before taxes. I contribute the max amount I can afford to my 401k. I have about 40,000 in student loan debt and about 2,000 in credit card debt.
Ongoing bills: - Rent 1,000/month (live with roommate) - Health+Dental Ins 450/month - Student loan repayment: 400/month - Utilities+Internet: 120-200/month - Medical: 900/month - Other (Netflix, Grocery Delivery, Amazon Prime): about 60/month Not included: car insurance, renters insurance, gas, other things I’m forgetting
I just got done paying off huge hospital bills. My medical expenses are so high because I have to pay privately for CBD pain-management products, massage therapy (also pain management), and psychotherapy. I tried for many years to go through my insurance provider to get adequate mental health treatment without much success. These therapies are a huge reason I am still able to work full time. Symptoms of PTSD make it really challenging to become comfortable with a massage therapist, so it’s not worth it to me to try and find another one that charges less. I make too much to qualify for lower fees based on a sliding scale.
I don’t have a partner and I don’t really have any other social support. I can’t plan on being able to move in with a friend or family member when I get older or become disabled. I am super thankful to still be able to work, but 100% of me goes to my job. I come home and rest or do physical therapy exercises and have little social life. I would like to move to a place with lower cost of living, but then I would lose access to my current medical team.
Thanks to anyone who is able to offer some advice!
Edit 1: Changed a sentence to indicate I am contributing as much as I can reasonably afford to my 401k, but I’m not “maxing out” my 401k, if that makes sense. I have a lot to learn.
Edit 2: People have been asking so I wanted to say that I work with kids and families that are effected by Autism and other diverse neurological presentations. I travel to homes and schools and create behavioral treatment plans and teach caregivers/teachers how to help their kiddos. I love this job, and fortunately it keeps me moving (even though it’s mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausting). The less I move the more quickly I become deconditioned, and I need my muscles to support the instability of my joints and other body parts that have collagen (heart, bladder). Unfortunately, my current physical state (and lack of time) does not allow me to exercise in a way that will help me to rebuild a lot of muscle, so continued deconditioning is inevitable. But I can significantly slow it down. There are a few companies that would allow me to work via telehealth, and that is something I am considering, but sitting and constant typing most of the day will likely be worse for me than my current job. Also, typing in the future may not be doable because of finger dislocations. And finally, I have neurological symptoms (neuropathy, migraines, spinal fluid flow issues) which may eventually make working full time at any job not doable.
Submitted July 08, 2018 at 01:45PM by FourLeftTurns https://ift.tt/2L3cX8o