submitted just now by Arthur_Dent-42
So I'm trying to rent a house for myself and 2 friends. All students, first-time renters, parents paying rent.
I've been emailing a landlord advertising a house for rent on a property website. Their first email reply asked normal questions like how many renting and when we want the lease, but also asked our occupations, financial situation and monthly gross income. They said they were asking all who contacted them these questions due to high demand (Dublin is in a renting crisis)
I simply said we had full-time working parents supporting us and replied N/A to the monthly income question.
Now I've gotten another email that's even weirder, I'll just quote it
Thank you for your quick reply. Because we have a lot of requests to visit, all of our properties are listed on the Airbnb rental website ( ) so the tenants can rent and pay in a easy way. We are Airbnb members since 2010. We have a lot of requests to visit and we can't honor all of them, we are using Airbnb to select only serious people. Through Airbnb we can see if the tenant's have enough money to pay the rent and security deposit. For more details about Airbnb rules please access the link below:
It then goes on to ask for PPS number, date of birth, nationality (asking for which I think is against discrimination laws but whatever) and asking if we've ever been evicted, arrested, bankrupt, broken a lease.
We have not had any offer of a viewing of the place (we asked for one in our first email) or gotten a response that made it seem like our response had been read.
We're pretty desperate to get a place rented soon, and this place is nicely priced & located (although not so nice to be obviously a scam). I really don't know whether to reply or not.
(BTW if this is the wrong subreddit for this point me in the right direction please)
Edit: Realised I left the location out of the title, this is in Dublin, Ireland.
Submitted July 11, 2018 at 08:29AM by Arthur_Dent-42