Hi all,I plan on replacing the majority of baseboard and door trim (and doors) in my house and have been looking around at pneumatic nailer / compressor kits to make the job easier. It looks like most kits come with an 18-gauge brad nailer and a 16-gauge finish nailer along with a 6 gallon compressor.Does anybody have any suggestions for a good kit without spending a crap ton of cash? I'd like to stay around $200 and have checking out craigslist and ebay but it seems that all the deals i'm seeing aren't far off from just buying a new kit. I was checking out [this bostitch kit option](https://ift.tt/2tV91jw) which seems to be a solid bet.My next question would be which nailer to use in what situation? It seems that i should be using the 16 gauge for the baseboard and door frames and the 18 gauge for smaller applications like quarter round? I just want to be sure if I'm doing all of the trim in my house then i'm doing it right.Any and all suggestions or insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks. via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2z9bBHQ