Hello friends.Been researching for a few weeks, both from here and /r/battlestations as to ideas for an inexpensive, sturdy computer desk. Most of the recommendations are to get the IKEA countertop and attach legs/file cabinets and done. Which I'm not opposed to, except I live in an IKEA vacuum and shipping would likely be annoying, also I'd rather have something more sturdy and lasting than the particleboard their desks are mostly made of.I do have a Lowes and Home Depot nearby (thank goodness) and like the idea of making it a mini project. No idea where to go from there :PI took a look at my local Lowes and their lumberyard didn't seem to have finished, cut, appropriate desktop slabs of wood - mostly a lot of 2x4s, plywood, that sort of thing - am I looking in the wrong place? Should I be looking for just a plain slab of solid wood? Home depot has this which seems to be plenty deep/wide/thick enough, but I'm also not a shop person so I have no idea what I'm talking about.I'd be happy plopping something that length (not much longer) on top of two file cabinets/blocks/drill in some standing legs. Is that something I'd need to sand/finish/stain/temper in some way? Is there a better way to get what I'm looking for? Some people actually recommend buying a door, which just seems awfully deep for a home computer desk, and not particularly soft on the wrists.Thoughts? I don't have many tools to speak of or woodworking experience, so ideally something idiot-proof would be less headache, but happy to entertain ideas or past success stories! via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2OntwOF