Nowadays we usually shopping online, like Amazon, eBay, Ali-express, Wish and many Independent Deals Platforms. In general, for the same item, Buyer always want to buy it with a lower price to save more money, and seller want to sell it with a higher price to make more profit. There seems to be an irreconcilable contradiction between buyer and seller. If it is truth, I think it’s no need to think and discuss. For an item price, it include some parts, such as manufacturing costs, operating costs, ads costs and seller’s profit etc. The first two costs are difficult to reduce, but the ads costs have a more flexible space. I think if there exist a way to reduce the ads costs, for buyer who can buy item with a lower price, and for seller, he also have a higher profit, I think this is a win-win cooperation. Now I think out a way that buyer advertise for seller who sell a item which is what buyer want to buy and seller sell the item to the buyer with a lower price. what do you think of this approach, redditors? And would you like to take part in this kind of activity?
Submitted July 04, 2018 at 11:41PM by ChellysunFashion