Ok everyone. I'm going to try and keep this as short as possible. Also, I'm on mobile so formatting may be a little wacky. Here we go.
I am a 20 years old, and feel like I'm drowning in life. I live with my mother and sister, and have no hope of moving out anytime soon. I went to college for a year and a half, but dropped out due to health problems and financial problems. I desperately need money.
One of the foremost problems is I NEED a truck, something small with 4x4 and a manual (preferably). No I'm not one of those cringey country wannabes who just wants a truck.
Where I live in the winter I can't go anywhere in my car. I have a 2001 Prius that was given to my sister a few years back, then given to me. I have basically made the thing run like new, and I do all my own work. The other problem which is one of the biggest: trees. We use a woodstove for heat, and I can't keep dragging all the firewood out of the woods by hand. I have been working since I was old enough too, but I can't do it anymore, I have no help, and the trees are to big. There are massive trees near our house that need cut down. Our house is already falling apart as is, but if one of those trees falls out it. Well, no more house.
Not only this, but I try to do everything mechanical or laborious myself as I have no one to help me, and no way to hire help. I need a larger chainsaw, and admittedly I need someone to show me how to do a lot of stuff.
My sister is thousands in debt for school, and car payments, and my mother is in even more debt that keeps growing because my father left when I was born in '97. The court system screwed my mom, so she used credit cards and is in serious debt now nearly 21 years later.
We all have stable jobs, but we are all sinking. I don't know what else to do.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I just recently got a new job, but won't get my check for another two weeks at least. Currently I have a whopping $10 to my name.
Thanks in advance.
July 11, 2018 at 08:35AM