I have 22K invested with a family friend/financial advisor who uses Oppenheimer. YTD I’m down -4%. I have a diversified portfolio of small cap, emerging market, large cap, some bonds, etc. Other funds within OP are positive and I know it’s just this year as negative but I noticed my fees are between .94% and 1.74% which I think are average/above average.
I don’t actively contribute to this account as I’m working on maxing out my 457 plan through work but I want my money to grow at a steady 7-10% that the stock market generally averages and with perhaps less fees. Again, he is a family friend but it’s my money. I know that with the DJIA and S&P being up and down the 4% could just be an anomaly but I want to make sure that the fees/returns aren’t killing me. I don’t even think there’s a way to invest in mutual funds/IRA’s on my own and even if there were, I'd rather not go through all that.
So 2 things – anyone else use Oppenheimer and what is your experience? And what do you suggest I do in my situation regarding fees and fund performance? Again, the 4% is just YTD so I’m not freaking out but I’m not a fan of Oppenheimer based on their other fund performances.
Submitted July 01, 2018 at 12:45AM by srv524 https://ift.tt/2tGnOyq