My wife's business is now 3 years old, 100% word of mouth. She is currently spending anywhere between 2-4 hours per day driving and not able to get work done from the car. There literally aren't enough hours in the day and some of her work is getting less attention than it deserves, we believe she's lost some business. On top of that, a good amount of personal and business errands are not able to get done. We're thinking of hiring someone for ~$40k as a driver/runner/security. I should mention there is some danger to what she does, she operates in some not so great neighborhoods, at night so having someone around is peace of mind.Context:
- GOI ~$500k
- Expenses ~$168k
- 1 Personal Assistant
- 2 Associates
- 1 Office
I know it sounds ridiculous, because it is, but for me, I figure her hours are better spent working than driving and honestly having protection at night is pretty important for me. (Uber is not a solution). I should note the 2nd associate is brand new so I'm including her as an expense but I'm not increasing our GOI to reflect the additional revenue we'll be able to bring in.Lastly, due to my business I can potentially use him for site supervision, it's not a lot of work but it'll add to the hours.I'd really like to hear everyone's thoughts.Thank you all and Happy 4th of July!
Submitted July 04, 2018 at 10:15AM by SinfullyPatient