So here's the deal. My wife (I guess) and I got into an argument and she took all of her stuff and baby's stuff out of the apartment we live in and moved in with her parents. (Note: Not the first time she's done this). We had a talk and she doesn't want me to take part in her life, but still wants me to be a part of our child's life. I'm still supporting our baby who is seven months old. I'm short on cash flow due to expenses.
Total Debt $44,571.31
Student Loan $13,382.05
Loan #2 $21,801.14
Loan #3 $9,388.12
IRA $35,212.01
My monthly net income is $2,500
Static Expenses
Rent $850
Student Loan $198.01
Loan #2 $305.31
Loan #3 $225.54
Registration $21.5
Car Insurance $69.07
Phone $70
Audible $15.65
Variable Expenses
Medical Expenses $506.74
Food $300
So I end up being over budget for the expenses I have by about $400. I'm currently looking for a second job. What would you do?
Submitted June 22, 2018 at 05:41AM by easyologist