My bank provides my credit score monthly, and this month my FICO score dropped from 815 to 705...OUCH.
Pulled my detailed reports from the big three, and found an adverse account in collections for a medical bill from years ago that had recently been sold off to debt collection agency.
I never received a bill, phone call, or any other communication trying to collect on the amount due from the hospital or collection agency. It's only $165, and from a hospital where myself, wife, and kid have all visited last spring, so I am fairly certain it's probably legitimate. I received other bills from the hospital for these visits and paid them all, so I know they have my info.
Do I have any recourse here to have the adverse account information removed from my credit reports if I pay the amount owed? My credit history has always been really good up until now so this is really bothering me, especially since we were about to refi the house.
Submitted June 20, 2018 at 10:40PM by joshss22