Alright, so overall this has been a good week for me work wise, but I spent more on fast food the last week than the previous 3 months. I've spent a fucking hour and a half of OT pay on food just to work my overtime and I fucking hate myself for it.
My normal shift is 7-4, but In the last 4 days I've worked 55hrs. Multiple 16hr shifts in a row. I never know these shifts are going to be that long going in, sometimes shit just happens.
So although I always pack my lunch, I ended up buying dinner and a snack (job is relatively physical) out of the vending machines. And an energy drink or two because 16hr shifts (yes they have crappy free coffee I usually drink, but it just wasn't doing anything and I was fading fast). I certainly haven't been overeating, as I've lost 3lbs this week so far (even after rehydrating thoroughly).
I used to buy cliff bars to keep at my desk, but what happens is I eat them even when I don't "need" to eat them (like if I get a bit hungry during a normal work day, as opposed to "holy shit I haven't eaten in 12hrs" hungry), and in the long run is more expensive than doing what I did here once in a blue moon
How do I fix this for next time? How do I suck less?
June 02, 2018 at 01:23PM