I realized last week that I've been spending $5 a pop for Panera's strawberry-pecan steel-cut oatmeal, even though I already have in my kitchen right now a bag of steel-cut oats, two boxes of strawberries, and a bag of chopped walnuts.
Problem is, I never have time to make steel-cut oatmeal in the morning, and when I've tried to make it in my Zojirushi rice cooker overnight, I've disliked the texture (even though I use the "porridge" setting).
Our family's eating-out expenses have blown through my budget for three months in a row now--by hundreds of dollars. It's embarrassing. I need to do something, and I'm hoping that kicking my Panera habit will be a step in the right direction.
Any oatmeal lovers out there have suggestions? Different cooking methods? Different types of oatmeal? Anything? Anything at all?
Thank you!
May 30, 2018 at 10:33AM