I would like to make a cost effective (without using large circuit and micro controller and all) electromagnetic pendulum for** my wooden c**lock (so the second wheel will move according to pendulum swings). So i found a simple tutorial from this link (https://ift.tt/2kq0Zdm). But unfortunately it's not swinging properly pulse wise. Can anyone figure out my problem like am i missing any components or do i need to increase battery power or coil turn something like that? Working solutions will get appreciated.Note: I'm a beginner to electronics. Here is my circuit details.Battery - Duracell-2 (1.5 V)Components used - As said in tutorial (You can see the circuit from tutorial link)Coil - 500 turn (28 gauge)Input voltage - 3V output voltage- 0.8 V (observed in multimeter)Round neodymium magnetObservedThe LED glows only when coil not connected to the circuit.Expected Output1. Swinging pendulum pulsewise 2. Blinking LED when magnet cross coil My circuit and breadboard via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2GQgOmw