So one part of frugality is buying long-term, long-lasting, and more efficient appliances. Not only does this benefit your bank account, but it benefits environmental concerns to be more energy and water efficient.
But you can make it even MORE frugal to buy a High-Efficiency house appliance, water conserving toilets and fixtures, because your local government may have rebates available for these devices.
For instance, I bought and installed a Rachio generation 2 sprinkler controller for $179 (mad it just dropped in price right now btw, didn't notice till after I started writing this). This will save me a ton of water in the long run. Basically, it syncs up to local weather stations to predict rain, and not run when it's not needed. So anyways... I found out my city offers 50% up to $300 spent on water efficient sprinkler controller purchases.
Just a thing to consider as another angle to save money!
May 21, 2018 at 10:00AM