Hello. I just got accepted into Washington University's Olin School of Business. I'm planning on doing the MS in Finance with a focus on Asset Management.
They have other specialties like Quant Finance and Global Finance but I didn't apply because I didn't think I'd get in with my low math GMAT score (English score was very high just FYI).
The tuition is $65k total. Should I go? I already work in asset management in the Complaince arena but was hoping that I could get into Equity Research, Credit Research, Investment Strategy or Trading, and get a nice salary boost. The typical route is to take the CFA but I'm not confident I can pass... I'm very bad at standardized tests but I do very well on HW, projects, presentations etc so I forsee myself doing well in grad school.
Any value to this degree or just a diploma mil that'll leave me joblessl???
Submitted May 18, 2018 at 11:06AM by ROI1234 https://ift.tt/2IzeOk7