My finances feel a mess; I make $13/hr in CA and it’s definitely a challenge to make ends meet! Feels like I will never pay off my credit card debt - I end up accruing additional debt every month and now it’s fees on top of it. What can I do? I’m so stuck. $3000 in debt and rising. My bank app says I spend like $250 more a month than I put in.
I feel like I’ve tried writing out budgets and using Mint to track my stuff. Just looking for tricks or advice or a plan of action or something.
Edited to add expenses: Rent - $425 Health insurance - $140 Car insurance - $70 Gas - all going to Uber now Uber - a lot cuz my car is broken down and I can’t fix it Groceries - who even knows, I eat out a lot MMJ - $200 or about an eighth a week Hulu $11 Pandora $5 Patreon $10 to a YouTuber I like to support ....I think that’s it.
Edited x2: thank you honestly for the feedback, all! I’m gonna cut subscriptions, cut car insurance, work on some tracking and then go from there. Slightly embarrassed at needing a swift kick in the ass, but I appreciate it!
Submitted May 10, 2018 at 03:49PM by creepy-girl