From a post in r/antiwork (
Life revolves around working or satisfying the boredom created by work. To this end, capitalist society has built up a huge entertainment industry that makes everyday boredom another way of generating value, finding in the incessant need for rest and distraction another source of profit.
Most people are stuck in a loop of work/entertainment/repeat. We work ourselves into boredom then book holidays, buy consumer goods, or whatever to soothe the boredom and make ourselves think it is all worth it. This is a successful formula for some, but for others they wonder if there is more. Because there should be. A week at a resort, binge-watching Netflix, or buying that new 'thing' to make your everyday working week tolerable is the problem. These ways that people reward themselves does not compensate the sacrifice.
We need to find better ways of working. If work was more flexible, rewarding, and worker focussed rather than profit-based we would be happier in our lives and not need all of the other things. Even the reward mechanisms we have created are profit driven, and usually employ people who hate it and need to holiday somewhere else to escape it.
Enjoy every day and you don't need a holiday should be the mantra. Instead society is becoming more focussed on consumption and money. I'm not going to be lured in. It is all an empty promise and will not fill the void.
Submitted April 07, 2018 at 05:34PM by iheartchemtrails