I'm sure that this post has been made and I apologize if this topic is done to death on here.
But when I moved out on my own I started downsizing on my costs where I could, and I found the Dollar Tree to be a useful tool for that.
Right now I buy ALL of my hygiene stuff from there besides deodorant, which I buy in bulk.
But...shampoo (they have a knock off Head & Shoulders that does a great job)
Body wash (I keep a very plain smelling, clean scented body wash in my shower and a "sport" body wash in my gym bag)
Shaving cream (seriously, who needs name brand shaving cream)
Aftershave (again, who needs brand name aftershave. Dollar Tree has a sandalwood scented one that feels and smells amazing)
And razors (they come in a ten pack for a dollar and I invested in a higher end electric razor for daily use on my face. The razors from the dollar tree are just for harder to reach places on my face and for removal of body hair)
Other than that, just other basics. Toothpaste, flossers, gauze, cotton pads, kitchen utensils, knock-off Pedialyte, random snacks. I don't trust a lot of what Dollar Tree sells but I've cut back enough on my hygiene stuff enough to save some big bucks. I even put together a travel kit that I carry around with me in my bag for work because I never know when I'll randomly be put up in a hotel halfway across the state. I surprised my girlfriend with one too, because they had a neat little make-up bag and I filled it with soaps and lotions and stuff for her.
Anyone have any tips or ideas to share?
April 22, 2018 at 04:21PM