So yesterday I got a letter in the mail and a check. The letter informed me that my private student loans from ITT Tech have been forgiven; they are now at a zero balance and I owe no more. The check was for, presumably, the payments I made on the loan between the time they decided to forgive them and now, though no reason was provided.
I have not applied for any sort of loan forgiveness on this loan, though I've attempted to refinance it a few times, never successfully. I have applied for forgiveness against my Federal loans, but that's not gone anywhere. I did a quick news search to see if there are any big stories about loan forgiveness; I can't have been the only one.
Anyone have any ideas? I'm ecstatic, but I wish I knew to whom I owe the thanks!
Submitted April 14, 2018 at 09:23AM by VanGoghComplex