Hi Frugal community, i've been reading a lot of the advices presented on this community but i haven't found the help that i need because a lot of the advices are focused on the United States.
I live in Dominican Republic, and we (SO and I) are trying to save the down payment for our own condo. Right now we have 35% of what we need but I would like to speed up the process a lil' bit.
Right now our expenses are as following, (I'm going to talk in percentages because we don't use dollars here in DR).
Rent 17 %
Groceries 16%
Transport 13%
Cable, internet and cellphone 8%
Personal care 2%
Utilities 4%
Savings 12%
Enterteinment 4%
the rest is being spent either buying furnitures and appliances for our current house (We are recently married and didn't receive any help from our families) or in doctors/health care bills because i have been getting too sick lately.
I want to clarify that we are already buying groceries in bulk on the dominican version of Costco and we don't have a car so we use public transportation.
So my question is, how could we decide on which things are we spending too much, or how could we save even more money even if in my country we don't have coupons or goverment assistance.
Any insight on this would be helpful, and sorry for any spelling or grammar mistake, this is not my first language.
April 07, 2018 at 10:09AM