I built a sandbox for the kid last year (that just so happens to also be the exact proper dimensions of a horseshoe pit). I used reclaimed 5/4 cedar deck board to build a box and have a plank on it's side surrounding it so there's a 'buffer' between the sandbox and the ground area. I'm wanting to put some rubber pavers around that as i'm going to be doing some mulch in the area to further separate and lessen the 'mix' of mulch in the area and sand (without,say, building a wall/barrier).I bought these: https://ift.tt/2F09zaO and was planning on cutting to size. to make an even border.My question is this, how do i 'secure' them in place? should i use a landscape edger around them? they aren't very thick (1" roughly). do i drive stakes through them? optimally you glue these to a flat surface already but i'm not dropping cement.I've read that i should NOT do the standard paver base + sand + paver approach here, but not from a trusted source online.additionally, i see that Home Depot guide for something similar https://ift.tt/2HAycAc uses these clips: https://ift.tt/2Hf3E3F should I just use those?This will only have a toddler running on it, maybe a horseshoe hitting it on a rare july 4th occasion. the soil there is very packed so i would consider it a pretty good base to start with.current idea is to just lay them down and see how they sit with dirt holding them in place. this isn't a long-term install. lets say 5+ years and it will probably be redone again as the kids get older i'd think.lastly: do i glue them together then to make sure nothign comes up between the cracks? some sort of basic silicone i would assume, or construction adhesive? via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2qKFCXe