I'm looking over my Vanguard Mutual Fund portfolio and I'm confused. I have a few different funds with Vanguard. I've added to those funds slowly over the course of the past 8 years to make a total investment of $50,000. As of right now, Vanguard is saying my current balance is $71,589.46.
Am I reading this right? I've made $21,589.46 over the past 8 years? That almost seems too high.
Vanguard also says my rate of return is 9.4%. So, that doesn't add up either. If I calculate return [(($71,589.46 - $50,000)/$50,000) x100] I get 43%. So, I don't get how 9.4% is calculate (yes, I've read Vanguard's explanation on how it's calculated, but I'm still confused).
Submitted April 08, 2018 at 07:48PM by tellmetogetbacktowrk https://ift.tt/2EvGTGf