So, I'm currently trying to turn a shed out in my back yard into a mini home, complete with heated water, sewage, and electricity. I was wondering if I could get any tips on what I should look out for, what companies would be the best to contact, and how much you might think this will cost.Some details:I live in North Carolina.The shed is about 150 feet or so from the main house.The back yard is more or less clear for digging up to lay new pipe.Would it be possible to use the main home's water heater for the mini home or would you have to have a separate heating unit? Do I need to have an individual fuse box for the mini home, or can I add fuses to the main box, or are fuses not needed? Also, if we're ignoring all of the actual fixtures, furniture, and insulation and just worrying about hooking things up to the shed, how much do you believe it will cost? And if you don't know personally, do you know of anyone I can contact that can give me that estimate for little to no cost?Any help will be greatly appreciated! via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2INF0rZ