Not sure if this is the right place to ask this but I thought some people here might have some interesting thoughts.
I would like to lease or purchase some property where I can live and work but I'm looking more at commercial\industrial properties.
I'm a lifelong tinkerer and builder, but I live in an apartment and it will be difficult for me to find a residential home that suits my financial resources and fulfills my requirements for property. I build small light fixtures and educational DIY gadgets in my spare time, but I'd like more space to work and store junk and work on larger project ideas.
My ideal situation would be an actual junkyard- strangely that's my retirement dream- to run a junkyard\salvage shop. I watched too much Sanford and Son I guess. But I'm still pretty far from being able to do anything like that. I have to work 40+ hours a week to pay bills and I don't really have the confidence or capital to try and go into business for myself. I like having a steady income so my side work stays fun and fulfilling.
So I'm considering the idea of leasing\purchasing a small workshop or warehouse that I could live and work in but I'm not sure what regulations apply to that. I'd like to find a few thousand sqft space that could be general shop space, I would frame up a small work area with A\C, and probably just get a small trailer to serve as bedroom\kitchen\bath.
Basically inverting the usual home\workshop relationship. Instead of having a small work area in my home, I'd like to have a small home in my work area.
I'm curious if anyone else has experience finding a similar situation for themselves or someone they know. I'm open to any comments, suggestions, discussion about this idea. It's been bouncing around in my head for years but I haven't made any moves on it so I'm interested in anyone's thoughts.
Submitted March 21, 2018 at 01:09PM by funkboxing