The land is filled with pine lumber trees that are ready for harvest that im assuming might give a good monitary return if I did want to reinvest into it, but I'm torn between selling the land totally or investing in it. I recently went to virginia to see the land for myself and to have the deed changed into my name from my deceased family member's, and would guess ~30-50ft trees. I'm from an urban michigan area, never lived in a rual area and also don't know anything about where to go to have the land/lumber assessed and harvested or much about farming at all - but I'm prettty sure harvesting first is where i want to start though.
The local area is mostly rual and filled with farms, and my family has traditionally used the land to partially harvest and replant trees for a small return every 15-20 years. I've just graduated college and I'm not particularly tied to any home/job so moving around is an option for me if I did need to do something longer term for a better investment.
I've asked my parents about details of the value of the land, and they have told me the value has recently increased, but I'm not sure by how much only that it is higher than a few years ago. My ideal goal would be to see a more frequent return than a 20yr span rather than selling outright, but again I have no idea what i'm doing so i'm not sure if that will be a viable option.
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!
Submitted March 10, 2018 at 12:57PM by poppaleech