I spoke with the company http://ift.tt/2nEGLxR And they were pushing for their reflective insulation to be put on the joists in my attic.It was a clear high pressure sales situation with lots of grandiose claims but some bits of it did seem legitimate and temping until I saw the price.For around 1600sqft of attic space, they wanted over $7000. I was a bit shocked when that number was thrown out and I turned him down.I was then thinking about what it would take to do this on my own. home improvement stores sell reflective rolls such as http://ift.tt/2DYJvBb which seems simple enough to install. i have installed rolls of fiberglass insulation before.My ask is for any advice on if this will have any significant value over the 15 or so inches of blown in fiberglass that is in there now, and if there are any issues I should look out for which may cause harm or have this be against code.I am in Indiana so there are both fairly hot summer and fairly cold winters so it would benefit both seasons for something like this.Thanks,P.S. My house is fairly new (2014) construction if you were wondering. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2DXniDA