Hello all! I am currently attempting to hang two sets of ALGOT shelves from ikea up in my new house. These are movable shelves with two wall uprights holding the shelf brackets, which are positioned equidistant from the ends of the shelf and each other. The shelves are pretty solid, mostly metal and I plan on storing craft supplies and some books on them. The space in which they were chosen to fit (above base cabinets on either side of an archway)is about 40 inches wide and the shelves themselves are 32 inches wide. The uprights are supposed to be screwed into the studs, just like most shelves. However, my house was built in 1926, and has a total gut job redo in summer of 2017. The walls were previously plaster and lath and when they put up the new drywall they left the lath in place. In spite of this I have managed to locate the studs underneath all that. My problem is is that the space is 40 inches and the shelves are 32 and the studs are at 8.5 and 24.75 inches from the archway. Do I screw the uprights to the studs and have unbalanced unequally supported shelves? Or do I screw one upright to the stud and use good anchors into the lath for the second upright so the shelves are supported evenly and equally by both brackets and hope the anchor is as good as it promises? I don’t care how it looks so the asthetic value isn’t important. I just need shelves that aren’t going to fall. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2BZQVSi