My son just turned one and I’m opening a 529 for him.
I have two options of enrollment: 1. Guaranteed savings plan - basically you pick 1/5 tuition levels and save the cost of a current semester of a school and it keeps pace with the rising tuition. So if my level of schooling I choose currently costs 5,000 per semester, if I save 5,000 it will cover the cost of that level of school even if cost goes up.
- Investment plan
- I choose my investments from 15 vanguard funds. Per their report, the highest 12 yr return in their options is their overall stock index at 8.52% The second highest is an aggressive growth portfolio, again 12 years, at 7.2%
I would love to hear thoughts on these two option.
Submitted February 04, 2018 at 07:29AM by Staleeki