Vanguard just launched several "factor-based" active ETFs (and one in the form of a traditional mutual fund). These boast low expense ratios, and seem to be intended to be driven by technical factors like market cap, PE, price trends, etc.
I was curious what others here think of these options? When would they make sense in a portfolio?
The low-volatility factor fund seems to be obvious enough in application - it is presumably an equities-based alternative to something like a bond fund, though I suppose it remains to be seen how it performs.
For the other funds it isn't as obvious to me why one might choose one over another.
Since Vanguard is traditionally associated with passive funds and of course revered by many around here, I was interested in what the general sentiment was around these new offerings, and figured this warranted a full post vs discussion in one of the regular stickies.
Some links to Vanguard's info on these funds:
Submitted February 20, 2018 at 02:02PM by rich000