I'm building a 10x12ft shed and planned for a 12x14ft gravel pad with timber crib. Plans came back from the town with approval... Now I just need to order the gravel to start on the foundation.A local sand/gravel contractor has given me an estimate of 4 tons of crusher run with deliver: $28 per ton $66 delivery charge estimated $190 after tax.Do I need 4 tons?I'm only building this at 4 inch depth. I figured I'd need 56 cubic feet or a little more than 2 cubic yards.I read a 20-ton truckload of crusher run can range between 13 and 16 cubic yards.So given these numbers I'd really only need about 2.7 tons or even round up to 3 tons on delivery... ?Also, how is the pricing above? I was told $28 a ton for crusher run is high.I would like to support my local guy, but not if I'm getting ripped off.Thanks for the help! via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2Hc4vlX