I've done fairly well for myself. Grew up dirt poor but have a masters (molecular bio) and make 90k/year doing consulting outside of my major. I am however extremely unhappy with my career. It was always meant to be a stopgap job coming out of grad school but it spiraled and they kept promoting me. I'm not interested in what we do, I dislike our clients, the company does a lot of work for oil and gas which I'm ethically opposed to (granted I of course still use plastics and such), I'm tired of most of the people, but most of all I'm tired of the expectation that I'm on call 24/7 anytime a client needs anything (which is often). Also, this job forces me to live in major cities with big airports so I end up hemorrhaging rent money.
I'm not really sure what I want to do when I grow up, but I know it's not this job. I'm moving into a stage of my life where I'll be starting a family soon, so I want to find a job I don't hate before that. I have about 40k saved up for a down payment on a house (1-3 years before doing that), but it's also my emergency fund so I could live a while without a job if I dip into that. That's a hard choice to make though as I've spent the past 6 years saving up that fund.
The types of work I'd like to do (park ranger?) don't pay well. Other jobs (veterinarian?) require school and loans. I'd love to own my own business but I don't have a biz background and I don't want to lose my ass--I know most new businesses fail.
I just feel so stuck, ironically, because the job I hate pays well and I don't want to go back to being broke. I know people are in way worse situations than me, so I feel so guilty that I can't be happy with what I have. I just hate life right now and don't know how to fix it.
This is mostly just venting but if anyone has any ideas or encouragement it would be appreciated.
Submitted January 30, 2018 at 10:59AM by jwdjr2004 http://ift.tt/2nukPFM