My old galaxy note 4 finally crapped the bed and I was forced into buying a new phone.
Unfortunately I need a smart phone for access to my Google account so I couldn't go the ultra frugal route of downgrading to a flip phone.
So instead I asked the sales rep for a smart phone that they recommend for old people and I ended up with a Samsung eclipse J3 and reduced my device payment from $30 a month to $7 a month (I still had device payments since I suspended my account during a couple deployments ).
I was a little nervous about the downgrade but I am still able to do everything I did on my old phone without any problems.
So before you go in and get your next phone, consider what you really use it for and buy accordingly. I'm literally saving hundreds of dollars each year.
Also screw the sales lady who gave me a hard time for wanting an "old person phone"
January 06, 2018 at 11:41AM