Before I delve into the details I would like to address the classic /r/frugal "YOU SHOULD SELL YOUR CAR AND USE PUBLIC TRANSPORT" by mentioning that my job takes me all across my city and can start as early as 6am and end as late as 3am, and in addition many aspects of my job flat-out require me to have a car (In my area of expertise I've never had an interview where it didn't come up...)
ANYWHOO- here's the scoop. I'm currently driving an '86 Volvo Wagon with nearly 350,000 miles. To be fair she's in EXCELLENT shape, as before I bought her 2 years ago she had only one previous owner who took impeccable care of her, and I've stayed ontop of her maintenance like a hawk (I'm a big saver, so car repairs have always been a bit of a no-brainer and I see them as a necessary expense, not something to avoid until the last minute when parts are falling off.)
Thing is, I just started a job that's sending me all over the city, and I'm putting about $60 in gas in every week. As well as having to fill up FOUR TIMES every time I make the 8-hour round trip to visit my parents. EVENTUALLY I would like to purchase a mid-2000's Volvo XC70 (I know it's not the most fuel efficient but they check all my requirements in a car and I honestly just love the model. Would go as far as to say they're my dream car!).
No matter what I won't be getting a 'new-to-me' car until I have the savings to do it in cash, as I have a lot of anxiety related to loans and again, am a pretty big saver (and having enough means "cost of the car +$5,000 in the emergency fund that never gets taken out, don't worry on that front)
ANYWAY- I guess the question is, would it be better to sell my car while she still has some value and runs well and save on fuel, or drive her until she literally won't run and follow my dreams of owning a mid-2000's wagon then?
Thanks in advance :)
January 17, 2018 at 12:49AM