Hi guys,
So this sketch employer (known for taking advantage of employees) I had since August is telling me I am getting a 1099. I quit just before getting healthcare, which they said I would get after the probational period ended. I do not think I signed anything other then a generic employment form. I pulled 60 hour weeks most of the time, can they declare me a contractor and not a full-time employee? I grossed about 9k while working here. I don't want to foot an extra 7% tax bill. please help.
Edit: My job was creating emails peddling land and creating excel files. We did not discuss the schedule, just that I needed to come in at 9am every day. The days slowly got longer and longer as I worked. I was soon getting out at 8pm every day. The boss just gives us a ton of work as he leaves the office. The equipment I used was just the companies desktop and printer. I was mostly doing a ton a research, I don't know that they dictated how to do it.
Submitted December 05, 2017 at 08:55AM by jimmyeatflies http://ift.tt/2jhaR97