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I'm sure plenty of people here are aware of Steam sales, but since I saw someone post that they wanted a 300$ Nintendo Switch, thought it would be worth pointing out how I reduced my video game spending for less than 50$ a year.


Old Computer(or new), significant bonus points if they have a dedicated video card.


My gameplan for this year:

1.) Wait until the steam sale in a ~week

2.) Google 'top 10 games 2016' or similar. IE: top Coop games 2015, top MMOs, etc....

3.) Search that game on steam. Based on your budget, I buy games between 5 and $20.

Since I've started doing this, I've had more steam games than I could ever play. The games purchased have been significantly more thought provoking and interesting than Call of Duty 2014/5/6/7.

This is a huge improvement over getting a console and getting 3-4 games for $60 a piece.

Lastly- I wouldnt worry about computer quality very much. My favorite games from 2015 were fascinating Indie games that focused on an experience rather than sheer graphics. However, if you are going to buy a new computer, I recommend a ~700 dollar computer with a dedicated video card. That will last you years of gaming on the highest graphics settings.

If anyone else has tips to save money on gaming entertainment, I'm all ears. I'd love to figure out how to play Zelda games without spending 300$ per nintendo system.

December 14, 2017 at 11:11AM

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