Hoping to get any suggestions from anyone about how my plan looks for this install. Please feel free to correct or suggest any changes!I'm installing a Ring Pro, and my house currently isn't equipped with a wired doorbell. Before everyone says "just get a wireless one," I don't want to mess with batteries. The basement below the front door is unfinished, and there are several outlets that I'm planning to tie the transformer into.My door frame is too small to mount the device on, so I must mount it on the brick veneer next to my front door. From everything I've researched, the wall is constructed, from outside going inward, thus:Brick Veneer (~3.5" thick)Air Gap (maybe ~1"?)House WrapSheathingInsulation/StudsDrywallAs it stands, I've got a 3/8" masonry bit that I'm planning to drill through the mortar with. Then, I'll use a longer wood bit to bore through the sheathing.After that, I'm planning on cutting a small hand-hole along the baseboard inside, so I can get through the sill plate and sub-floor into the basement.My plan is to use a bent coat-hanger (since its sharp-ish) to poke through the insulation from the outside, and down toward my hand-hole so that I can fish the wire through into the basement.Anyone see any glaring issues with my plan?Thanks! via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2Av7YJk