Details: I started a role in a large fortune 500 firm making $68,000 just one year out of undergrad. My current manager has mentioned "I didn't make what you're making until I was 35 years old" on several occasions. He continually mentions this and it has created an uncomfortable work environment, but nothing I'd ever mention to HR. My manager tends to make fun at people's abilities and undermines their decision making continually. I've recently slowed down my contributions to the team because anytime I speak up with an idea, it's immediately shot down. Most of the work has slowed down and others have also stopped contributing. We're a large company, I have a wide variety of skills, so I'm not worried about the ability to move to a different role. I was just offered a large increase in pay to go to another company.
The jobs are much different. The job I'm being offered is $80,000 vs the $68,000 I make today, I will get 15 days off instead of 21 a year, the bonus is 6% of salary vs the 3% of salary I make today. I am fearful of the work life balance and if I'll be able to handle the work load. The new company also offered me $5,000 as a signing bonus but "could work on that if I needed a little more convincing". My biggest fear is that my current employer knows the company/manager that has interviewed me and vice versa. They were former partners in a business exchange. I'm fearful of the effect this could have on my career and if it will tarnish my reputation (only 8 months in at my current role). The new company is also quite a bit smaller (72 employees) vs my current company (22,000). They make much less money a year than my current company, so this has me a bit scared for my position. The new company also said I will have 5 reports to me, some consisting of Harvard graduates and other Ivy league programs. This is the most exciting part to me. I've only led a small team once before, and I'm only 2 years out of college, but have really made a name for myself in my field. Any advice is helpful!
My question is this; which things should I also be considering?
note: both jobs are the same distance from my home and I will owe back relocation expenses to current company ($3000-$4,000).
My other fear is that I've had 3 positions in just 2 years after graduating. 5 months at one, 10 at another, and 10 months here.
Another edit: New company gave me a start date of early Jan, no negotiation here. It's for good reason in my opinion. To get me acclimated before my new hires come in at May.
Thank you in advance!
Edit: Wow so I guess my boss really sucks. Thank you all for the great advice. I’ve kind of just put up with the behavior as normal. The $68,000 he made at 35 would be equivalent to $96,000 in today’s dollars. He clearly doesn’t understand inflation. Either way, you guys are right about ageism. He clearly thinks in terms of age and not basic economic principles.
Submitted December 19, 2017 at 04:41PM by throwaway2011993