I've been legally living/working in the US for the past 3 years and I'm planning on moving back home to Ireland next year. During my time in the US I've been purchasing stock/ETF on the stock market. Capital gains on stock in the US is taxed at 15% (if stock is held for over a year). Whereas in Ireland it's taxed as income so would be at the higher tax rate (51%). So I'm thinking I should sell my stock in the US before leaving and incur the 15% taxation on it, then repurchase it in Ireland where it will be subjected to the higher rate of tax on gain from that point forward. Is this a good plan or is there an alternative option?
A second, but related question: I'm flexible about when I make the move back to Ireland next year. What makes best financial sense to make the move in relation to paying income tax? For example if I move back in July then start working in Ireland from August it will reduce my tax liability to Ireland as I'll will be earning less salary that year in total. Thoughts?
Submitted November 21, 2017 at 11:34AM by corribview http://ift.tt/2hR7YyG