So I have a hiking daypack I use for my daily life. It's about eleven years old now, has survived my mother taking it to medical school, the latter half of my high school career, a failed college attempt and even a house fire and pedestrian vs. car. (I was the pedestrian)
Unfortunately, it doesn't do as much as I need it to anymore, and the inner hem by the zipper is now slowly unraveling, so in the next few years even if it continued to be perfect for me it will end up falling apart anyway. I started to look at REI and searched amazon as well and then realized I'm in over my head, so, seeking assistance! Need:
Narrow-set shoulder straps with a chest buckle - I have sloping shoulders and my arms can partially dislocate. Straps that stay higher and buckle together to change how the weight bears are a must
Water resistant - I live in Seattle.
A good water bottle pocket - my current backpack has the worst mesh side pockets - too low to hold a tall bottle, too wide to hold a narrow bottle, and not wide enough to hold a wide bottle. I have to carry my water bottle in the backpack and it's annoying.
The ability to carry all my shit: I always have a water bottle, a folding cane, several support wraps and braces for varying limbs, allergy medicines, pain relievers, a laptop, pens, a notebook, a reusable bag and I also use my backpack for groceries and other store trips.
Want: (Not necessary but I would like)
A hip strap/belt. It's not necessary, but it would be nice to have it.
A pocket or mesh that can hold a kindle, or papers/bills, or a paperback. My current laptop pocket isn't wide enough to hold my laptop and kindle and that annoys me.
A color I like: black, dark greens, blues
For it to be sold in a physical store - I'd like to be able to see it in person, if possible.
The ability to be worn while sitting down - I may end up being a part-time wheelchair user in the next six or seven years and it would be nice to be able to still use it.
Budget: I don't care. I'd prefer to not spend a thousand dollars, but if it means I don't have to buy a backpack again, then sure. Options across price ranges would be nice, though, just to see what's available.
Submitted November 25, 2017 at 02:20PM by Hipgoesclick