So, I needed a new computer.
I'm using my MacBook Air 2012 for work and it got too slow for the tools I'm using. I started browsing Internet for new computers.
Now, I know that I don't need the newest MacBook Pro. I have better ways to spend the money. But I think all of you are familiar with the craving you get when you want a new shiny toy. The head says no, but the irrational part says yes.
I've tried a technique where you estimate the cost of purchase in working hours. $2000 is about a month and a half of work for me, so not that bad. Hmm, this doesn't really help with the craving.
But then I estimated the cost of purchase as a percentage of everything I own. Combining assets and debt, my net worth is about $100 000, so new MacBook is 2% of that.
2% of everything I have ever owned, of all the years I've been studying and working. Now that's a lot.
So instead I found this place that replaced the whole motherboard of my old MacBook Air giving me more RAM and better CPU. I've solved the problem and it only cost me $150.
November 08, 2017 at 05:52AM