I just got a call from someone claiming to be from a legal department saying that I owe US Bank $887 for overdraft fees or some crap. He was talking so fast I couldn’t even hear it all. This account was opened in 2004, and I don’t know when it was stopped being used because it’s quite possible my douche ex-husband wrote bad checks on it (I was 18 and stupid). I haven’t had any contact with this bank account no later than 2006 and I don’t even think it was that long. I think I actually stopped using that account in 2005. This guy says that they’ve sent me notification after notification at one of my old mailing address which I have the forwarding set up so I would’ve recieved it here. He’s telling me that the statute of limitations (10 years in Iowa)doesn’t apply to the bank. He’s telling me that he’s going to levy my bank accounts and garnish my wages. Obviously I know that he can’t do both, but you get the picture. He said after all the court costs and fees that have been incurred adds up to $1400. I honest to God do not know anything about this this was 11 years ago plus and I’m just now hearing about it. I’m really scared. I work two jobs trying to pay off everything and take care of my kids. My husband works as well full-time. I’m wondering if maybe I should take my name off of his bank accounts? I don’t know what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I have no idea how much of this is actually mine or how much of this is my ex-husband. I just don’t know. He says that he’s going to go ahead and file it with the courts. I am under so much stress right now this is going to topple me over the edge. I don’t have money for a lawyer and I just don’t know what to do. So any help would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE- I did get ahold of US bank and they said they sold the debts off to a company in 2007 and they don’t have the amounts. I have no idea about these debts. I guess I probably do owe something but I’ve never received anything. Not sure where to go from here.
Submitted November 30, 2017 at 12:49PM by savvy85 http://ift.tt/2isttGl