This was my own observation but wanted to share and discuss with the wonderfully supportive community here. On a couple occasions, I have made the mistake of buying items at thrift stores only to discover I could have paid less buying new. I now most always double check on Amazon, but it has left me with a sad feeling about these places that call themselves charities.
I'd also like to do something about it as I believe everyone involved is well-intentioned, but making mistakes. That's another story.
Here's my list of major offenders, likely because similar products tend to be much more expensive
Brands that tend to be more expensive at thrift stores:
- Ikea
- SunBeam (They make some high end kitchen appliances, but also super cheap ones)
- Daiso (Japanese Dollar Store)
- Ball (canning supplies)
- Pyrex
What else should people be wary of buying?
October 01, 2017 at 07:19PM