So, last winter I had a water pipe that was sort of in the wall at the back of the house burst. A plumber fixed it and went under the house through a crawl space to take a look at the pipes underneath the house. He said they were rusty and "seeping" though not "leaking". Yesterday a "nipple" pipe connected to the outside faucet and an interior wall pipe leaked water and flooded part of a front room. The nipple was galvanized, old and had developed a rust hole, which caused the leak. I'm worried other pipes in the floor and maybe in the walls will start developing leaks as the pipes are so old. I won't be doing the work myself (I hope that doesn't disqualify me from posting here...). My questions are: 1) should I do the wall pipes at the same time as below floor pipes? Replacing below floor pipes would involve the plumber going under the house but wall pipes would involve tearing up drywall as well as plaster maybe. 2) How much does such a total (wall + below floor) replumb work run for a 1200 sq. ft. house? 3)Any special advice about hiring for such work? I read here someone replumbed their house with PEX but the plumber mentioned a material that started with "wor..." something. Sorry for the long post. Any advice and guidance would be really appreciated. I have done some DIY repairs in the past but this is way way out of my league.Edit:By the way, I only have one small bathroom, kitchen, washing machine hookup plus three outdoor faucets as far as plumbing fixtures go. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2yPiBsE