My mother lost her battle with cancer earlier this year. To my surprise, she generously left me a life insurance settlement, her 401K, and a monthly payout from her pension that I will receive for the rest of my life.
My partner and I have modest savings that we increase monthly. We don't live month to month. We aren't rich, but we aren't poor, and we have everything we want. We are at a point in our lives where we make enough that he recently took a pay cut to get the job of his dreams. I work the job of my dreams. Financially, we were both feeling blessed with our stability before this gift, so this is just beyond what we ever expected or needed.
I grew up poor until I was a teenager, and have worked hard since I was 16, and want to keep working for years. I feel like this money is the opportunity of a lifetime, and I am so grateful for it. My instinct is to squirrel it away under my mattress, which I rationally know is a holdover from growing up in a small town with no banks and a family that didn't have much but love.
I'm worried that there is something about this money -- or having money -- that I don't know about, and that I will inadvertently waste this wonderful gift I've been given.
Reddit, anything I should know?
Submitted October 23, 2017 at 04:25AM by DeditaNodi