tl;dr I desperately need a 5150 (or similar) to help me with my mental breakdown, but I know from experience that I can't afford that and it's a very stupid financial decision. I need help but a big reason why I'm in this situation in the first place is because of financial stress.
Hello all, I'm asking this here in /r/personalfinance because every medical professional I've talked to doesn't seem to understand much about the financial side of getting help, which is a struggle because I've had to refuse a lot of necessary treatments.
Southern California, 22NB. I'm sorry if I don't make sense, I keep retyping this and it's a mess and there's too much. There's just too much going on in my life right now. This gives a bit of background as to what I'm dealing with, but things have gotten significantly worse since then. I keep typing and retyping my current situation, but it's giving me too much anxiety and I'm sorry but I have to omit that part.
A tl;dr of what happened since the linked post: Going to school full-time with financial issues proved to be a horrible idea. I'm now living with my grandma and it is a horrible environment, probably worse than staying with my father. I finally had my much-needed counseling appointment today and had a deep talk with my boyfriend and realized that my mental health is much worse than I've been trying to convince myself. I've experienced burnout and I've been burnt out for so long with so much stress that it's now manifested itself as a serious psychotic breakdown. I feel like a complete idiot for ignoring the signs for so long, but I'm here now.
I don't know my options when it comes to health at all. I only know of a 5150, but that was very harmful to me in the past and I don't know if that's something I need. I feel like I can't talk to doctors because they keep throwing things on me without realizing that if I can't afford it, then I literally have to go without any form of treatment. I need help and I need to get away from this shitty environment, but I'm scared that if I do try something like another 5150, then I might not have my car or my phone when I get out. What if a company tries calling me with a job opportunity but I can't get it because I'm stuck in a hospital without my phone?
I guess my question here is: How should I go about getting treated for a mental breakdown when I am so broke that I'm past-due? How will I be able to afford the ambulance rides and the nightly stays and all of the other little things that come with trying to get help in the US? My counselor told me that I can worry about those things when I get out of the hospital since it's clear that I am in desperate need for help, but then doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of going to stay in the hospital? I guess I'd just rather get my finances in order before I go and do something that's going to cost me so much money.
Thanks for the help, and thanks for reading this.
Edit: I only started job searching the week before last and I've already had a couple interviews. I know my financial situation is temporary, especially since I feel very confident about some of these job prospects, but there are a lot more personal issues that are deeply affecting me that I'd rather not post about here.
Submitted October 20, 2017 at 05:37AM by musiclovermina