I have reviewed many threads with similar issues, and am wondering if my opener is now busted. I have a 1998 Craftsman 1/2hp chain opener.Here's the story: 1. One day the door would close all the way then re-open. We read the manual which set to reduce the down limit. I did this and it seemed to fix the issue, but also noticed that the chain was sagging pretty badly and was actually running against the door as it opened/shut, which seemed unusual. I tightened the chain a bit and the door was still working.Two days later, the same issue started happening, door re-opening. I tried to set the down limit again, but it wouldn't fix the issue. I kept trying to adjust/test the door. Eventually, the motor seemed to get confused about what position it was in (e.g. it would only go up a little ways and then next press would keep trying to go too far down.). The down/up limits seemed worthless when I tried adjusting that way.After reading forums, I disconnected the chain from the sprocket, and then ran the opener until it stopped its down motion (to sync it up to proper position of being down). Then, I reattached the chain. The door worked a few times, but the chain started getting saggy again. Eventually, the door got stuck trying to go down again, which would tighten up the cable side of the rail and make the chain side real saggy/loose - even so much as to cause the rail to bend because of the tension.I retried a few times to no avail. Finally, I have the chain disconnected again and powered the opener, which turns clockwise (down) for a minute or so and then stops. However, each time I click the opener, it restarts the downward motion for another minute or so. I tried this a few times, and then the opener let off a little smoke too (probably just old dust).Now that the opener continues going down each time it is powered on, is this likely a logic board issue where I should just get a new opener installed?Or, would opening the actual metal casing and fiddling with any of those limit switches/screws do anything? From what I read, those don't control whether the opener starts a downward or upward motion, they just control how far it goes in either direction.I don't want to waste more time with this if it needs to be replaced.Any help greatly appreciated! via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2wsb1ix