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First 3 paragraphs are context:

I work for an IT company doing projects and implementations. I’ve been with the company for about 8 months after taking a two year hiatus and working at a restaurant learning how to deal with people. We’re a small company growing a lot and I’m the main project guy, main escalation for the help desk, and implement and run our vCloud data centers.

Lately there have been a lot of problems with project scheduling that have been making it hard to live up to my professional standards. I’ll be scheduled full-time commitments for the week then constantly side tracked with “high priority” escalations since there are only a handful of people and we have a growing list of customers. It’s a powers of powers problem.

In short we’re understaffed and everyone (well, almost everyone) acknowledges something needs to change. I’ve been having a rather candid conversation with the manager who then reports to the CTO and CEO. They’re the owners. My manager knows I’m autistic and we have very frank conversations. He has out right told me the staffing situation is not good for the company nor employees and I’m taking an unfair share of the burden. I told him I am having a hard time trusting my family’s future to this mess unless I know something is planned to fix the problems that are letting our customers down. I rely on him to help me in an NT world so in that context we were texting.

I got notice from the insurance company that our policies had been canceled for lack of payment. Of course, I immediately contacted my employer since a deduction has been taken from my paycheck as usual.

I was told that this was an error and would be resolved in 10 days. Now, 10 days later it is not resolved so I followed up with the insurance company. They say the account was suspended in July. The rep wasn’t able to tell me if the problem is being resolved. My son’s asthma medicine is due for refills that will cost over $400 without the insurance and all I have is the CTOs word that I’ll get reimbursed by insurance later.

So I asked my manager. I told him I was having trouble with the oficial explanation (if this has been an issue for months but was really “never an issue” why is it only being resolved after I noticed? What is being done to prevent it from happening again, etc). He seemed to agree.

Then I got a text from the main boss. See here: http://ift.tt/2xN62gx

Am I wrong to question the answer I am getting? Am I being gaslighted (when someone tries to convince you that you are seeing the world wrong, there’s nothing to worry about)?

I know things are/would be hard to mend at this point. I’ll be okay.

I don’t think it’s a scam. I think it’s a situation of just because you’re great at doing IT stuff doesn’t mean you’re great at running an IT company, doing the HR, making sure you have a proper technician to customer ratio for support contracts, etc, and I don’t trust most people to admit that to themselves.

Am I asking too much to have some clear answers?

Submitted October 03, 2017 at 01:21AM by AspieWaiter http://ift.tt/2fKXY8O

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