For a long time I have been searching for quality leather hiking boots. I think back to my father's boots that had a solid full grain leather top with a leather lining throughout the entire inside that felt like walking on pillows. I can't help but to think about those boots every time I put my Salomon boots on.
Im looking for a pair of hiking boots that is built to last. I'm a boots everyday kind of guy so I've been eyeballing Limmers for quite some time. There doesn't seem to be a lot of information or reviews on the Limmer stock boots that are made in Germany. If you own them how do you like them? Did you go with standard or another style? Pictures of your boots would be more than welcome.
My secondary goal in my search for BIFL footwear is to find a boot that I can wear on the motorcycle and easily transition to hiking and camping activities. I know I will get some slack for this but from what I can tell the Limmer boots are crafted with much sturdier and abrasion resistant materials than even my $430 Daytona motorcycle touring boots. I am all about dressing for the slide not the ride, but I have trouble wearing the motocross style or boots that make me look like I just finished a race.
I should add that I'm not looking into the custom made boots because I don't have the ability to go to their store for fittings. I look forward to hearing from you all.
Submitted September 25, 2017 at 08:18AM by sonicpelican4