Friend needed a place to stay suddenly and I had an extra room so wanted to help out and why not. Said he said he did not have much income so I threw out the figure of $200-300 a month to cover utilities. Was thinking it was a temporary situation. Did not really think about it when he showed up. Do not want to be greedy or petty, but utilities increases 2-3x , detergent and paper goods used up faster. I have less privacy and space for my stuff. I have to do a bit more cleaning and garbage duty. I do not want to do the math to see how much it is costing me extra per month. I tend to avoid things.
Looks like he wants to stay long term.
How do you assign a fair room rent? The Craigs List rents seem super high for a room and shared bath in my area. Room rents are 800 to 1200.
Asked him to helps out about 3-4 hours a week with child care which I do not pay him for.
I would be paying for cable and internet regardless, but would not be using the utilities, washer, dryer, dish washer much if alone. If it was not a friend I doubt I would rent out a room as I would not feel safe.
Total cost of mortgage, taxes, utilities, cable about $3700 month maybe more. 3 bed 2.5 bath home.
Trying to be reasonable.
September 27, 2017 at 06:02AM