Let me know if this is the wrong sub for this please and apologies in advance if it is.
I just got a coffee and before I even got the coffee itself I was prompted to "sign my life away" on a small piece of paper which includes a nice, "tip" option.
Now the girl was nice, and laughed at my joke, but I haven't even had the coffee she was going to make me yet. So in my head I thought 2 things:
- I can't tip $0. I like her attitude and it is 5 in the morning.
- A whole dollar is so much for a smile and a laugh.
So I think, "well 50 cents is good right?" A happy medium if you will.
But here I am in SeaTac questioning my tip as I sip my coffee.
Any service workers who can say whether it's worth it? Do they take it out of the till, or is it all recorded in the system and distributed at the end of the shift?
Anyone else with an opinion is welcome too. Honestly just want to know if you think it's worth it, since this is my main barista go-to tip amount.
September 01, 2017 at 09:02AM